There are 4 accessible parking spaces to the left of the entrance (when facing the entrance from the outside).

Here is a closer look at the space next to the accessible parking spots.

You have to cross the street, go up a curb ramp, and turn right to get to the entrance from the accessible parking spaces. This picture shows the walkway to cross the street.

Here is a closer look at the curb ramp, it does not have a lip, and has a very gradual incline.
Click on a picture to learn more about it!
Last updated:
Jan 20, 2020

Click for Directions:
(434) 974-9375
Busy Hours
3-5 PM on Friday’s
1-5 PM on Saturday’s
2-4 PM on Sunday’s
Accessible Bathroom
Automatic Entrance Door
Accessibility Notes
There are seats near and in the entrance, boxes used for seating near the shoe area, square-padded seats near the fitting rooms, and there is furniture located in at least the middle of the store (including seating) for sale that customers can sit on.
There are hand baskets in the beauty/make-up area. You might have to ask an employee to help you find them.
Some furniture might prevent a clear 3-feet wide aisle.
Some objects fall down and prevent a clear aisle in the sports/toys area of the store.
Columns with full-length mirrors (are at least in the shoe area of the store) prevent a 3-feet wide aisle. They split the aisles in two, making each part of the aisle around the mirror less than 32 inches wide.
There could be clothes racks that are in the way when trying to get to the fitting rooms.
We do not consider the card readers in the checkout area to be at accessible heights. While they might be reachable for some customers, it could be considered hard to see the screen and all the buttons.
Click the black "Accessibility Test Results" button at the top of this page to view in-depth accessibility metrics for this business!