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Twice is Nice (TIN 1)

Results from VisitAble's Accessibility Test



Description of Section

This includes the number of accessible spaces, the distance of the accessible spaces from the accessible entrance, and the accessibility of the path from the accessible spaces to the sidewalk that the entrance is on (includes curb ramps).


  • There are 2 parking spaces labeled as accessible near the entrance to Twice is Nice - one of the parking spaces is near Preston Avenue, about 130 feet from the entrance, and the other is in front of Integral Yoga Natural Foods on the other side of the entrance, about 100 feet away

  • Both of the spots labeled as accessible: are not van accessible, are the appropriate width for standard accessible spaces, and have access aisles next to them that are not the appropriate width for standard or accessible van access aisles

  • The parking lot is made of smooth pavement, but there is a slight cross slope near the space that is closer to Preston Avenue

  • The path to the sidewalk from the accessible spaces is at least 36 inches wide, does not have a lip, and the curb ramps have an accessible slope and width



Description of Section

This includes how easy it is to find the accessible entrance, steps/ramps/pathways from the curb ramp/sidewalk to the door, width of entrance door, lip under the entrance door, presence of automatic door openers, reachability of the door handle, and the weight of the door.


  • The main entrance/exit is a set of two doors, with no automatic door openers

  • Each door in the main entrance/exit has a clear width of about 29 inches

  • There is another door that must be unlocked for customers to access the furniture/decorative section without taking steps, that is not automatic and has a clear width of about 32 inches

  • The thresholds underneath the doors are not difficult to navigate over, the door handles are accessible, and the doors are not difficult to open force-wise

  • There is maneuvering clearance for both doors of the main entrance/exit, but the other door to access the furniture/decorative section has a recess on the pull-side of the door that is 7 inches deep, which disrupts the maneuvering clearance to exit the section from this door - however, this door is usually closed and opened by staff members since this door remains locked



Description of Section

This includes the reachability of products that the location sells, the weight of the products the location sells, and the methods available for carrying around products.


  • There are some products that are over 48 inches above the floor, such as clothing hangers, and there are some items that could be considered heavy to transport, but staff members are more than willing to get or transport items upon request

  • There are only hand baskets available for carrying around products in this location


Interior Pathways

Description of Section

This includes accessibility of any lifts/ramps/elevators, signage to find accessibility features, widths of pathways, cleanliness of pathways, how steep pathways are, presence of inaccessible areas, and the weight/lip/height of handles & knobs of doors not covered by other sections.


  • For the most part, pathways are at least 36 inches wide, except around some merchandise aisles and the pathway to the employee-facing space, which is needed in order to access the bathroom, where the pathway is 27 inches wide right before the “Employees Only” door

  • There are seats throughout the location where customers can rest if needed

  • The Men’s Clothing Section can only be accessed by a step that is 3-3.5 inches tall or a step that is about 7 inches tall

  • There are carpets or rugs throughout the location

  • There is signage available that points out the steps, but no signage available on how to access the furniture/decorative section beyond the Men’s Clothing Section


Fitting Room

Description of Section

This includes the dimensions of benches in the fitting rooms, how much weight the benches can support in the fitting rooms, the spaciousness of the fitting rooms, the presence of hooks at an accessible height, the weights of the fittings rooms' doors, the height of the fitting room door handles off the floor, the presence of full length mirrors, and the presence of grab bars in the fitting rooms around the benches.


  • There are two changing rooms near the front of the location that are both approximately 45 inches wide (side to side) and 37 inches deep (front to back), which may be difficult to maneuver for customers using mobility devices

  • The two changing rooms near the front have full-length mirrors in them at accessible heights, hooks that are over 48 inches above the floor, and benches in them that have seating surfaces at approximately 16 inches above the floor, 24 inches long, and 9 inches deep

  • The two changing rooms near the front require opening and closing a curtain while using, which may require tight grasping

  • There is one changing room near the back of the location that is approximately 46 inches wide (side to side) and 42 inches deep (front to back), which may be difficult to maneuver for customers using mobility devices

  • The changing room near the back has a full-length mirror at an accessible height, hooks that are over 48 inches above the floor, and a chair that has a seating surface at 18 inches above the floor

  • The changing room near the back has a door with maneuvering clearance, but the door handle on the inside is more than 48 inches above the floor, and the door could be considered difficult to open and close force-wise as it gets slightly stuck when opening or closing

  • None of the fitting rooms have grab bars in this location


Point of Sale

Description of Section

This includes the the height of the counters where customers pay at, the reachability of everything at the point of sale counters, the presence of a removable tablet/card reader, and if customers are offered bags with handles.


  • The top of the point of sale counter surface is approximately at 36.5 inches above the floor

  • Everything on the point of sale counter, such as a hand sanitizer bottle, is reachable

  • Customers do not typically use card readers/tablets themselves, but instead hand their cards to the staff member behind the counter

  • This location usually has bags with handles for transporting items and taking them home, however this depends on what is donated



Description of Section

This includes bathrooms being labeled as accessible, the width of bathroom and accessible stall doors, location of doors, height of door openers off the floor, weight of doors, presence of appropriate grab bars, the ability for a customer using a wheelchair to completely turn around in the bathroom/accessible stall, the height of the flush controls off the floor, the reachability of the sink/toilet paper/soap/drying equipment/lights, and the height of mirrors off the floor.


  • There is one bathroom, behind the “Employees Only” door, that may be used upon request

  • This bathroom is not labeled as accessible, and the door swings into the bathroom when entering and exiting

  • The bathroom door is not difficult to open force-wise, has a doorknob at an accessible height which requires twisting of the wrist, does not have a lip underneath it, has a push lock on the door knob, and has a clear width that is about 26 inches wide when opened completely

  • The bathroom is about 55 inches wide (side to side) and 49 inches deep (front to back), which may be difficult to maneuver (including maneuvering space to open the door) for customers using mobility devices

  • There are no grab bars around the toilet in this bathroom

  • The toilet paper is about 16 inches from the center of the front of the toilet

  • The lights switches are not at accessible heights off the floor, and the lights are not automatic

  • The sink and soap bottles are at accessible heights, but the mirrors and paper towels are not

  • The pipes underneath the sink are not insulated, the sink controls require twisting of the wrist to use, and there is a trash can that restricts the approach to and underneath the sink



Description of Section

This includes the presence of accessibility features to make this establishment go above and beyond the accessibility of other establishments of the same type.


  • There is seating throughout the establishment that customers can use to rest

  • Employees are going or have gone through a disability etiquette training to differentiate their customer service

  • There are full-length mirrors available at accessible heights in all of the 3 fitting rooms

Want to Learn More About Our Accessibility Tests?

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