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Last updated:
Feb 10, 2020
Click for Directions:
(434) 973-9183
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Accessibility Notes
There are no electronic shopping carts, seats, or ambulatory devices at this location.
There are hand baskets located near the entrance of this location. These hand baskets have wheels on the bottom of them so you don’t have to carry them around.
The card readers are 43 inches off the floor, which we consider accessible to be reached, but it is possible that some customers might have difficulty seeing all the buttons and the screen.
The doorway is 33 inches wide.
Employees in this location help customers try on merchandise and bring a mirror to you so that you can see yourself.
There are no bathrooms for customers at this location.
Click the black "Accessibility Test Results" button at the top of this page to view in-depth accessibility metrics for this business!
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