Shown is a view of the front of the store from the parking lot. There is one space labeled as accessible in front of the store about 5' away from the entrance if curbs are not a problem, or about 15' away from the entrance if an accessible route is needed. The space is 12' wide toward the back of the space (side closest to the store) and 13.5' wide at the front of the space. There is no accessible access aisle for this space. The space is in close proximity to Preston Ave.

Shown is the space immediatly to the right of the accessible space. With a compact car parked in the space, there is about 1' of space next to the car, between the car and the curb on the right at the back of the space (closest to the store) and about 2-3' at the front of the space (furthest from the store).

This picture shows a "no parking" semi-circle that extends about 5' in front of the sidewalk, to the immediate right, if facing the store, and slightly behind the accessible space. This is part of the accessible path to the entrance. About 5-7' ahead on the left is a portion of the sidewalk where the sidewalk is flush with the parking lot. There is not a tactile pad signifying this area. Use caution when going this way as it is right near the entrance to the parking lot, off of Preston Avenue, and the route is essentially part of the roadway of the parking lot.

Shown is the area to the right of the accessible space, facing the store, that serves as the accessible route from the parking lot to the sidewalk. The parking lot is flush with the sidewalk. There are a couple cracks and uneven spots along this path, but nothing over half an inch in height.
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Last updated:
Apr 8, 2022

Click for Directions:
(434) 284-8180
Busy Hours
11 AM-2 PM on Monday’s, Friday’s, and Saturday’s
3:30-5 PM on Monday’s, Friday’s, and Saturday’s
The busiest day for drop off’s and donations is Monday, and the end of the week is busiest in terms of selling merchandise
Go to Website:
Accessibility Notes
Staff is friendly, and ready to help however they can. For example, staff can help: get and bring you any items, move furniture out of the way, find what you are looking for, and open and close any doors.
The parking space closest to Preston Avenue has the universal symbol of accessibility painted on the parking lot surface, but has no access aisle next to it. There are no accessible parking spaces in the parking lot with an access aisle.
There is a bathroom available to the public, and also an employee restroom that is available upon request. The employee restroom may be easier to use for some customers due to the extra space inside, the extra maneuvering clearance next to the door on the pull-side of the door, and the fact that the clear width of the door when open is wider.
There are three fitting rooms next to each other that are about 54 inches wide (side to side) and 74 inches deep (front to back). The one in the middle and the one on the left have seats with seating surfaces at accessible heights, while the one on the right does not. Please reference the pictures above or our "Accessibility Test Results" for more details about their accessibility. If none of these fittings rooms work for you, feel free to ask employees if there’s a space in the employee-only area that may be more private and accommodating for you.
For the most part, pathways are at least 36 inches wide, except around some merchandise aisles.
There are carpets and rugs throughout the location.
There are only hand baskets available for carrying products.
Click the black "Accessibility Test Results" button at the top of this page to view in-depth accessibility metrics for this business!