There are 3 accessible parking spaces which are all van accessible next to Speak! Language Center. The closest accessible parking space is shown in this picture, which is just off to the side of Speak! The left side of the access aisle of this space leads right to the curb ramp.

Across from the closest accessible parking space are 2 more van accessible parking spaces. These two spaces are shown in this picture, they share the same access aisle, and the parking lot is at a slight slope downwards towards Speak! The pavement underneath the access aisle is tan-colored and proceeds diagonally across the parking lot towards Speak!

Shown is a picture of the tan-colored pavement pathway towards Speak! from the two van accessible spaces that were shown in the last picture. There is a slight slope downwards, and the pathway leads diagonally to the other access aisle across the parking lot.

Shown is the curb ramp to get on the sidewalk that the Speak! entrance door is on. There are truncated domes on a yellow surface on the left, and there is a column on the right. The curb ramp is not too steep, and the ramp is more than 36 inches wide on the left of the column.
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Last updated:
Jan 24, 2022

Click for Directions:
(434) 245-8255
Busy Hours
Consultations by appointment
Courses have set times
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Accessibility Notes
There are 3 accessible parking spaces that are less than 100 feet away from the entrance, and all 3 of them are van accessible.
All seats have surfaces at accessible heights, but the tables in Studios A and C do not have vertical clearances of 27 inches underneath them. Please feel free to call (434) 245-8255 before arriving to ask for Studios B and D if needed, to request that a chair be removed from a table in a classroom, or to request the repositioning of tables to ensure pathways that are 36 inches to the table. Staff members are happy to help with repositioning of all furniture in the classrooms upon request.
Classroom doors are opened by and classroom lights are controlled by instructors and staff.
There are carpets/rugs throughout the location in the pathways, including in the bathroom, and in Studios A, B, and D.
The bathroom in this location has the appropriate grab bars and the general layout of the bathroom is accessible and spacious, however there is a dresser and rug in the bathroom that could make it slightly difficult for some customers to navigate or turn around in the bathroom.
When registering for classes on Speak!’s website, there is an area for you to indicate if you need any accommodations.
Click the black "Accessibility Test Results" button at the top of this page to view in-depth accessibility metrics for this business!