There are 3 accessible parking spaces right outside the entrance of Pet Supplies Plus. The two spaces closest to the entrance have the widest access aisle.
Here is a closer look at the two spots with the smaller accessible aisle between them.
There are two curb ramps to get to the entrance. The one pictured is closer to the door and doesn't have a lip that is difficult to get over.
Pictured is the curb ramp that is farther from the door. It is less wide and has a slightly bigger lip.
Click on a picture to learn more about it!
Last updated:
Mar 2, 2020
Click for Directions:
(434) 979-2009
Busy Hours
2-5 PM on Monday’s
11 AM-6 PM on Friday’s
12-5 PM on Saturday’s
12-3 on Sunday’s
Automatic Exit Door
Accessibility Notes
There are no seats, ambulatory devices, or electronic shopping carts at this location.
There is an automatic exit door but the combination of the upwards slope and the non-automatic door could make entering difficult for some customers. However, the entrance door is not too heavy, there is one handrail leading to the entrance door, and the bar to push the door open is at a good height off the ground.
There are no bathrooms for customers.
When employees are restocking, they might leave their carts in the aisles, preventing a wide-enough pathway to get by for some customers.
There are hand baskets and carts located near the entrance of the establishment.
The card readers are reachable, but it is possible that some customers might have difficulty seeing all the buttons and the screens.
Click the black "Accessibility Test Results" button at the top of this page to view in-depth accessibility metrics for this business!