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Last updated:
Oct 27, 2021

Click for Directions:
(757) 408-0719
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Accessibility Notes
There are two standard accessible and two van accessible spaces that are approximately 200 feet away from the entrance, and 2 more van accessible spaces that are approximately 385 feet away from the entrance.
There are accessible seats and tables in this location, and each table has a space for a customer with a mobility device.
The card reader and the iPad/tablet at the point of sale are completely movable, so feel free to ask staff to move these items wherever is easiest for you.
If you would like a tray to help transport your gelato/food, please request a quarter sheet tray when you check out.
All pathways, and both of the bathrooms are incredibly spacious in this location.
Click the black "Accessibility Test Results" button at the top of this page to view in-depth accessibility metrics for this business!
If we missed something, please leave a review to add that information for others to see and please let us know if we have any incorrect information on this page by emailing