There are two accessible parking spaces right outside of the front entrance.
The pair of double doors is the accessible entrance and it leads right to the line to order/pay for food.
Here is what the lip looks under the accessible entrance doors.
There is another door that is by itself. This door is more used for exiting than it is entering.
Click on a picture to learn more about it!
Last updated:
Nov 19, 2019
Click for Directions:
(434) 214-0500
Busy Hours
Weekdays: 11 AM-1 PM and 6-8 PM
Weekends: 11 AM-2 PM and 5-8 PM
Thursday's and Friday's 4:30-7:30 PM
On big game days: 1 hour before game-1 hour after game
Accessible Bathroom
Accessibility Notes
Dishes and trash can be left at the table, and the staff will take care of it for you
There is an accessible section of the bar at this location
Staff is willing to help you transport food/drink if you would like
Some items (such as lids, to-go containers, etc.) could be too high for some to reach, staff is aware of this and is willing to help
Plastic cups, lids, straws, and bags with handles are offered
Please let staff know if you need help moving tables, chairs, or holding a chair still while you transfer at the check-out counter and they will be happy to help
Click the black "Accessibility Test Results" button at the top of this page to view in-depth accessibility metrics for this business!